Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Updates (A.K.A. I'm very behind)

Hey guys! It's been awhile...

As some might have guessed, my reading list was a bit ambitious. I don't think it was overly ambitious in numbers, but just titles. From here on out, I'm not going to predetermine what books I will read for the month and just read whatever finds its way into my hands during the months to come.

Since my last post, I have read "Crossed" by Ally Condie, given up (for now) on "The Flanders Panel," and am almost finished with "Seriously...I'm Kidding" by Ellen DeGeneres. I have been working on my review for  "The Hunger Games" as well, but am finding it very difficult to keep short. Once I've written it so you don't have to scroll down so far, I will have it posted.

I want to go a bit more into detail about one of these notes: I have given up on "The Flanders Panel." I have a few witnesses that can attest, I did try. I brought the book around with me to read in my free time (waiting for a lift, waiting for someone to join me at a restaurant, sitting by the pool...) and I just had the hardest time getting into it. If it wasn't the characters themselves it was the huge blocks of text. I might be being picky, but one page should not equal one paragraph. So, I decided I needed to just put that away for now, and maybe - one day - I can try again and something will be different.

Finally, since my last post I have gotten a promotion! As of September 4th I will be the county's newest Library Specialist! I am very excited for this new opportunity, but I will miss seeing my current coworkers on a regular basis.

Thank you, dear reader, for your patience. I will try not to disappoint you again!

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